Classification and working principle of protocol converters

Classification of Protocol Converters

Protocol converters are divided into two types: GE and GV. Simply put, GE is to convert 2M to RJ45 Ethernet interface; GV is to convert 2M to V35 interface, so as to connect with the router.

How Protocol Converters Work?

There are many kinds of protocol converters, most of which are basically 2-layer devices. One of the commonly encountered RAD protocol converters is a device that converts 2M E1 lines into V.35 data lines to connect routers. Of course, there are also 2M to 2M converters. With twisted pair Ethernet, the remote access and expansion of the local area network can be achieved with the help of 2M communication lines.

When the physical interface of the router or the virtual interface of the routing module receives the data packet, it determines whether to forward the data packet by judging whether the destination address and the source address are in the same network segment. Usually, the network equipment in small offices has only two interfaces, one It is connected to the Internet, and the other is connected to a local area network hub or switch. Therefore, it is generally set as the default route. As long as it is not an internal network segment, all are forwarded.




Post time: Oct-18-2022